Dedicated to producing healthy, happy and well socialized Maltipoo puppies

Hi I am Deidre a small hobby breeder of Maltipoo puppies in New York. I fell in love with the small fluffy puppy-like breed when I first set eyes on them and after much research into best practices I decided I wanted to share this delightful breed with others.
The Toy Poodle is an elegant, lively, small dog with a profuse, but well-groomed and clipped curly coat. The ears are long, flat and wide, and lay close to the head. Toy Poodles are not demanding as far as exercise goes. They like to go for a walk, and will be very happy if given regular opportunities to run free in a safe area. These dogs are good for city life as well as country living. They are very active indoors and will do okay without a yard. The Toy Poodle is sensitive and remarkably intelligent. Highly responsive, they are said to be one of the most trainable breeds. Pleasant, happy, perky and lively, they like to be with people.
The Maltese breed is known for their gentle manner and affectionate personality. They are playful not only as puppies but also as adults. They are playful and friendly to all they meet. Moderate exercise is fine for this breed. The Maltese is low-shedding as well and also need daily grooming. They are a lapdog that loves to please and does well with basic obedience. The affectionate Maltese, with its devoted manner, could fit into any home where a dog with a bubbly, happy personality is desired. This sweet, playful dog will weave its way straight into your heart.
Our dogs are part of our family and share our home with us. The pups are raised in my home with my hubby and my children when they visit! When raising our babies, We use Early Neurological Stimulation to give the pups a head start.
Five benefits have been observed in canines that were exposed to the Bio Sensor stimulation exercises. The benefits noted were:
Our pups are socialized using many different methods. Stair climbing, desensitization to different sounds that they might hear in indoor and outdoor environments. We produce F2 and F1b Maltipoos. F2 is created by breeding two Maltipoos together. F1b is the result of breeding a Maltipoo back to a Toy Poodle. Our puppies have hair like we do and do not shed, but need to be brushed daily to prevent mats.
We take pride in producing healthy happy well socialized Maltipoos.
Westbury, New York 11590, United States
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